Build Buddy - Augmented Assembly IVR for Google Glass

  • Defined and designed experimental UI

  • Worked with Google Material Design Guidelines

  • Developed AR experience video

Build and Assemble Your Product in Real-Time

Build Buddy is truly a unique Augmented Reality application that helps consumers assemble products without the need for printed instruction manuals. Users can assemble any product right out of the box using IVR voice commands to obtain a step by step process on-screen augmented in real time, while having both hands free to assemble their product.

Manufacturers can upload existing 2D as well as 3D isometric CAD diagrams associated with their product as well as part numbers for anything they create. With all technical specs, product data, videos and diagrams living in the cloud, each manufacturer can effortlessly implement a Build Buddy into their existing product line.

Requirements Brainstorming
Product Design
UI & Interaction Design
Visual and Art Direction
Logo & Identity
Video and Animation


Build Buddy Demo


Vista Outdoors


San Disk & Smart Storage