Connecting Millions in the Intuit Community

  • Helped award $1M in grants to small businesses

  • Provided online resources to 1,000’s of job seekers

  • Improved Intuit's customer support experience

Facebook Social Web Applications

Steve collaborated with Intuit's internal EM Marketing teams in Mountain View, CA to help create new Facebook content and applications for consumers to find jobs, find product offers, and get customer service. These social canvas apps were the perfect way to help make Intuit's product line look good and drive social media traffic. SOV designed and programmed Facebook pages for each of Intuits divisions including: Careers, QuickBooks, Small Business, the Pro Line and many more. We created a customized CMS admin application on the backend, and used a home grown set of tools to monitor the text of all the page contents for the Careers application. The campaign streamed videos, embedded live chat video webcasts, and provided valuable recruiting resources to thousands of job seekers and customers.

Love A Local Business Web Application

Intuit's engineering team needed some help designing the wireframes, flow, and front end of the LALB application they were planning to launch in the spring. Over the course of a month we were able to provide a wireframe and several skins that the engineers could implement easily. We then implemented this application into Facebook and it became part of a huge viral marketing campaign to promote local businesses, allow for rating & voting, and help bring them in new customers.

HireForce Mobile Web Application

SOV created pencil & paper user flow prototypes, then eventually a couple rounds of digital wireframes. Once approved with client, then went straight to several rounds of Photoshop design work. Initial scope was for use on mobile/tablet devices, and then desktop was the secondary design round.

Quickbooks Social Mobile Web Application

Intuit had a social mobile project and needed a a UI wireframe designed as well as several rounds of skins. The mobile application needed to run on both iPad and iPhone. SOV worked on the UI flow charts and application flow with the clients. After several revisions, SOV created several mobile skins, and simplified the UI for the client's target user groups.

Full Service Payroll Video Edit

SOV worked with in-house production team in Mountain View, collaborating with producers to lead post-production editing and animation for final deliverable.


Brainstorming & Collaboration
Lean Iterative UX Design
Art Direction & Visual Design
Style Guide & Specs
Front End Development

Intuit Payroll


San Disk & Smart Storage


Activate Mobile